Assisted Purchase

1.What if the store does not accept my credit card?

You can use the assisted purchase service from Personal Shoppers, and we have a few trusted names below. They can place the order(s) according to your instructions using their American credit card if the store does not accept yours and get it shipped directly to Shopfans.

*Please note that this list is just for reference, we are neither associated with either of them nor bear any responsibility for their actions.

You need to transfer the order value + commission (in USD) before the goods can be purchased, as well as PayPal commission (AUD 7.50) if applicable.


Commission: 4.5 %, but not less than $10 from one order PLUS $0.50 for one item in one store

ATTENTION: We will NOT be able to accept any changes to the order after it is placed.


You pay $150 for an order of 6 items. Our commission $10 + (6 items*$0.50) = $13

Total to transfer to PayPal: $150+$13+PayPal commision = $169.93 + PayPal commission if applicable.

You transfer money and we will place your order the same day and provide a copy of your order by email.

  • Yulia 

Yulia - shopping assistant who can help you pay for your orders.

Send your order with direct links and needed parameters for each item (size, color, etc.) to Patriacca @ yahoo . com

Write in subject line: only bank - shopfans

Commission: 4% from total, but not less than $15 from one store and not less than $1 per item.

Accept payments through PayPal.